Rubén, popularly known as “Uncle Kush,” is the founder of The High Cloud, a pioneering platform in the cannabis industry. With a dynamic approach that combines entertainment and education, Rubén has been instrumental in changing public perceptions of...
Artificial intelligence in the cultivation of cannabis Thanks to AI, growers can optimise every aspect of the cultivation process, from lighting and pest control to predicting yield and improving product quality. By integrating advanced technologies, producers can...
In the universe of psychedelic art and cannabis culture, Mossy Giant emerges as an iconic and multifaceted figure. His work, an amalgam of hippies, bears, mushrooms and plants, is a vibrant celebration of nature and spirituality. Mossy, a passionate defender of life...
Cannabis fairs are events dedicated to the cannabis industry, where professionals, enthusiasts and experts meet to share knowledge, products and innovations. These events not only promote education and the exchange of ideas, but also serve as platforms for networking...
In the cannabis industry, sustainability and responsible cultivation have become essential priorities. Adopting green practices not only benefits the environment, but also improves product quality and consumer perception. What is sustainable cannabis? Sustainable...
Terpenes are organic compounds that give cannabis its characteristic aroma and have properties that can influence its medicinal effects. Being unique to each strain, terpenes help identify them and understand their potential therapeutic benefits, especially when they...