The legalization of Cannabis in the Netherlands


Este mes, nos sentamos a charlar con Patrick Stevens, una de las voces más interesantes del experimento Holigram. Aprovechamos el ambiente del Spannabis para sumergirnos en sus experiencias como cultivador de cannabis y recoger algunos consejos y anécdotas que tiene para compartir. En un mundo donde el debate sobre la legalización del cannabis está en constante evolución, personas como Patrick Stevens emergen como voces protagonistas en este tema. Con su experiencia y trayectoria en el cultivo de cannabis y un profundo compromiso con la transición hacia un mercado legal y regulado, nos ofrece una perspectiva única sobre los desafíos y las oportunidades que enfrenta la industria del cannabis en los Países Bajos.

Desde sus inicios en el cultivo de cannabis clandestino hasta su actual papel como defensor de la despenalización y la emancipación del cannabis, Patrick Stevens ha sido testigo de primera mano de los problemas asociados con el mercado negro y la falta de regulación. En esta entrevista, examinaremos sus reflexiones sobre temas como la contaminación del cannabis, las condiciones óptimas de cultivo y el futuro de la industria del cannabis en los Países Bajos.

The problems of contaminated marijuana

One of the most severe current problems in the cannabis industry is the presence of contaminated products in the illegal market. With unregulated production, the lack of quality controls leads to the presence of pesticides, heavy metals, and other contaminants in cannabis products. This situation not only poses health risks to consumers, but also undermines credibility and trust in the industry as a whole, Patrick says.

The path towards legal and regulated cultivation

For Patrick, the legalization of cannabis represents a viable solution to the problems of contamination and lack of transparency in the market. By allowing regulated cultivation and distribution, consumers will be able to access quality cannabis products, free of contaminants and with transparent information about their origin and composition.


This not only ensures the safety of consumers, but also opens up new opportunities for research and innovation in the cannabis industry. One of the key elements of this experiment is the current lack of information about the content of what is consumed.

For example, you go to the supermarket and if you have an allergy to peanuts, you will look for products that do not contain the food or traces of it. While in European supermarkets we can verify ingredients, there is no similar way to do so with cannabis. This is crucial to understanding the consumer behavior of those who consume it, Patrick says.

Optimal conditions for growing cannabis

As for the optimal conditions for growing cannabis, Patrick highlights that it depends on the grower and their situation. Living in an apartment is not the same as living in the countryside. “But I personally think that cannabis will grow best naturally, finding a nice spot and a good flow of sunlight, I consider those to be optimal conditions.”

If this ideal situation is not possible, such as due to location limitations, alternatives can be sought such as maximizing solar exposure in outdoor crops or creating efficient indoor systems, using solar panels, recycling water and avoiding the use of fossil fuels. This not only seeks to produce quality cannabis, but also reduce environmental impact, as cannabis can help reduce CO2. In places like Spain, with a lot of sun, sustainable production seems a logical step.

Why is personalized attention to each plant important?

Patrick highlights the importance of providing personalized attention to each plant when growing cannabis. Opting for small batches allows for a more detailed and careful approach, avoiding the loss of the unique aspects of each plant.

Individualized attention not only ensures higher quality in the final product, but also offers the opportunity to explore practices such as music or singing, which some believe are beneficial for plant growth.


Growing in small lots is not only a professional choice, but also a way to enjoy and engage with the work in an intimate and personalized way. From their perspective, growing cannabis in small batches allows for individualized attention to each plant, reducing the risk of problems such as mold and ensuring superior quality in the final product.

Additionally, sustainability and minimizing environmental impact are key considerations in cannabis cultivation, reflecting a broader commitment to environmental responsibility.

Outlook for the future of cannabis

In the Netherlands, the current experiment being promoted could become a global experiment for the regulation and legalization of cannabis in other countries. However, it is suggested that the focus should shift towards allowing people to grow and sell cannabis, prioritizing individual autonomy and reducing commercial profit.

This can be achieved by allowing people to grow some plants at home, with regulation allowing personal or shared consumption in communities. This promotes self-sufficiency and local sustainability, reducing the need for imports and encouraging transparency in the market. Instead of quantity, the emphasis is on quality and connection to the community, according to Patrick.

Looking to the future, Patrick expects a promising outlook for the cannabis industry in the Netherlands. As the country moves towards a legal production and distribution model, new opportunities are opening up for innovation and economic growth. Additionally, the focus on transparency and product quality could set a global standard for cannabis regulation in other countries, marking a significant milestone in the history of global cannabis legalization.

Challenges in cannabis legalization

Patrick says the shift from underground to legal cultivation faces significant challenges, especially in hash production. The acquisition of products from the black market, such as Moroccan hash, poses problems in terms of production and availability, since the transition prevents the importation of products in an unregulated manner.

The transition to legality requires addressing continuity of supply, especially with the high demand for hash in coffee shops. Although popular products are researched, constant availability becomes crucial. Flexibility during the transition is essential, as there is a possibility that coffee shops will turn to the black market if the legal supply is insufficient.

To make the transition easier, strategies such as drawing clear lines to avoid exploitation of legal loopholes should be implemented. Furthermore, collaboration between authorities and the industry is essential to develop effective and pragmatic regulations that control the transition and prevent flight to the black market.

A change of vision about cannabis

The key to achieving a smooth transition to a legal and regulated cannabis industry lies in changing the social perception of cannabis and demystifying the associated prejudices. By integrating cannabis as part of normal society, it is hoped that misconceptions and misunderstandings about this plant will disappear. This change will allow cannabis to be seen as a common product with recreational, scientific and medicinal applications.

Imagining a future where growing cannabis is as normal as creating any other product, with distinctive licensing and manufacturing methods, opens the door to fearless participation in the industry. This approach would not only eliminate legal repression associated with cannabis cultivation, but would also encourage innovation and the production of high-quality products. Just like a special pizza at an Italian restaurant adds Patrick.


The aspiration is that, over time, telling stories about participating in the first legal cannabis production will become a common family anecdote for my children and grandchildren, disassociating cannabis from its stigmatization and allowing it to be fully integrated into society. legal and beneficial manner.

The legalization of cannabis in the Netherlands represents a bold step towards a safer and more transparent future for the cannabis industry. With visionaries like Patrick at the forefront of the movement, there is hope that this experiment could lay the groundwork for broader, progressive regulation of cannabis around the world.